About us
We are a team of experienced meteorologists, geographers, geoscientists and computer scientists and form the basis for statistical analyses, complex wind field simulations, wind measurements and yield reports, which meet the highest international standards.
The foundation of our success is a permanent training of our employees, participation in research projects and continuous development.
With a network of international partners and experts, we actively contribute to the further development of sustainable energy solutions and offer expert assessments and advice for projects worldwide.
Our history
1990: Foundation of anemos GbR
2002: Conversion of anemos GbR into "anemos Gesellschaft für Umweltmeteorologie mbH"
2011: Relocation of the company headquarters to Reppenstedt
2020: Lasse Blanke is appointed Managing Director and manages the business together with Dr. Heinz-Theo Mengelkamp
2021: André Glücksmann is appointed Managing Director and manages the business together with Lasse Blanke. Mr. Mengelkamp leaves the management.
2025: Martin Schneider is appointed 3rd Managing Director
Managing directors

Lasse Blanke, Dipl. geographer is employed at the anemos GmbH since 2009 as head of site assessment. Since 2020 he is managing director and co-responsible for research and development projects. He is in charge of due diligence processes with investors and project developers.
Lasse is a permanent participant in the meetings of the German Wind Energy Association. Additionally, he is chairperson of different working groups within this association and participates in the working group "Wind potential" within the FGW (Association for Wind Energy and other Renewable Energies) for the development of the Technical Guideline 6.

André Glücksmann holds a Master of Education degree and has been responsible for the development of software, automation solutions and the maintenance of the anemos computing cluster at anemos GmbH since 2010. He is involved in the development of the anemos wind atlas family and the market value atlases. In 2017, André took over the management of the IT department. André was granted power of attorney in 2020.
Since 2021, André has been Managing Director responsible for IT, site quality after commissioning (TR10) and the provision of wind atlas products via the anemos web tool awis.

Martin Schneider holds an M.Sc. degree in meteorology. Since 2016, Martin has been responsible for mesoscale modeling and data validation at anemos GmbH. In addition to the development, optimization and verification of the anemos wind atlas family, he is responsible for the support and further development of the wind atlas products, as well as for the area of revenue and market value. He is involved in ongoing research projects of anemos GmbH.
In 2018, he took over the head of quality management and is responsible for maintaining accreditation. In 2021 he was granted power of attorney.
Since 2025, he has been jointly responsible for research and development, mesoscale modeling and quality management as Managing Director. Martin has a teaching assignment at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences in the field of “Global wind industry and environmental conditions” for the subject “wind power meteorology”.
Scientific advisor

Dr. Heinz-Theo Mengelkamp is a meteorologist and was involved in basic research on wind energy, hydrology and mesoscale atmospheric flow simulation at the GKSS Research Centre in Geesthacht. In 1990, he laid the foundation stone for today's anemos Gesellschaft für Umweltmeteorologie mbH. Heinz-Theo is recognized by the German Meteorological Society as a consulting meteorologist in the field of wind energy and is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist of the American Meteorological Society. From 2001 to 2005, Heinz-Theo was deputy spokesman of the wind expert advisory board of the BWE and from 2009 to 2020 chairman of the working group “Wind Potential” in the FGW for the update of the Technical Guideline 6. Until 2020, he represented the German wind assessors in the international working group for the formulation of the IEC guideline IEC 61400-15 (wind farm site assessment). From 2008 to 2023, Heinz-Theo held a teaching position at the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences / Kiel University of Applied Sciences in the field of “Global wind industry and environmental conditions” for the subject “wind power meteorology”.
We offer market value analyses (market value atlas and revenue reports) in cooperation with the company enervis energy advisors GmbH. enervis is a company consultancy specialized in the energy industry. The range of the company enervis extends from market monitoring and analysis to the development of market strategies and their implementation in relevant business concepts. Furthermore, enervis assists in the operation, including the development of computer-aided analysis models.
From initial planning to realization, wind power projects require investigations and assessments with regard to meteorological, technical and economic aspects. In order to offer the complete range from one source and at the same time ensure that the work is executed by experts with the highest professional competence, we cooperate with 8.2 Consulting AG and 8.2 Obst & Hamm GmbH. With 8.2 we have strong partners at our side with expertise in the field of technical and legal due diligence.
Research projects
anemos GmbH is involved in national and international cooperation and research projects.
OTELLO - Technical operation strategies for economic load and lifetime optimization of wind energy farms
Sensitivity and quality of turbulence intensity from mesoscale models
The turbulence intensity (TI) and its forecast play a decisive role in the operation management strategies, since this has one of the highest influences on the wind turbine service life. The TI is parameterized and calibrated from the existing output values of the weather models. For calibration and quality estimation of the TI forecast model, anemos will develop the TI from mesoscale models with different horizontal resolution and investigate their quality using wind measurements.
In addition, TI is an essential parameter in the assessment of onshore site suitability and especially in the application of high-quality wake models in the context of energy yield calculations for offshore wind farms. Park shading is the largest loss factor for offshore wind farms and is subject to the highest uncertainty. Therefore, the time series of TI should improve the quality of park shading calculations. The objective is to establish mesoscale TI for wind applications. Therefore, the accurate determination of the TI is of great importance to gain the necessary acceptance in the wind industry.
Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Coordination: Joint project in cooperation with the Fraunhofer-Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Energiesystemtechnik, MesH Engineering GmbH, Stuttgart and anemos GmbH
STRAIGHT - Increasing quality and efficiency in yield estimation for wind farms
Increasing the quality of the data basis and determining site-specific power curves for an efficient overall framework
In order to achieve the expansion targets for wind energy set by new government, it is necessary to develop a large number of wind farms in a short time. The basis for wind farm planning at a new site is the estimation of the expected energy yields and the selection of suitable wind turbines.
At present, the yield estimation is subject to high uncertainties. In addition, it is time-consuming and cost-intensive, especially due to the currently required one-year wind measurements. The aim of the project is therefore to enable qualitatively better yield estimates in a shorter time and at significantly lower costs through improvements along the entire process chain. To achieve this goal, procedures are being developed that provide a better data basis (e.g. reanalyses, roughness data) for the wind sector. In addition, innovative procedures from the field of data science such as machine learning or model ensembles are used at various points to enable an accurate estimation of energy yields in a shorter time. The merging of the various methods and data into an overall process enables a high degree of automation of yield assessments in addition to the increase in quality. Ultimately, the project thus creates the basis for a reduction in project risks for planners and project developers. In addition, the developed methods can also be used for more precise regional potential assessments and thus contribute to better planning of wind energy expansion.
anemos is playing a key role in the automation of the overall process in this joint project. Scientifically, anemos focuses on the development of methods for determining the site-specific power curve and time series-dependent loss models for improved yield estimates. Furthermore, anemos analyses and corrects the data basis (wind atlas) with regard to the long-term reference of short-term measurements for relevant seasonal deviations.
Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Coordination: Joint project in cooperation with the Fraunhofer-Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Energiesystemtechnik, Universität Kassel Institut für Elektrische Energietechnik and anemos GmbH
WINDAUS – Wind atlas time series for dispersion calculations
Many questions in the area of regional climate and air pollution control or small wind turbines need detailed knowledge about the long-term and representative near-surface wind conditions. These are calculated site-specific with dispersion models or microscale flow models. The main idea of the research project is the processing and the development of closed-meshed high qualitative meteorological data from the anemos wind atlas data for Germany. These data should be able to use for approval processes for dispersion calculations and nationwide air pollution control measures.

Funding: Bank with funds of the federal state Lower Saxony and of the European Union from the EFRE program
SunDAY - Simulation uncertainty of the detailed assessment of wind turbine energy yields
The Uncertainty is one of the important issues when modelling the wind conditions and energy yields of wind turbines. It is a combination of modelling errors (e.g. due to the finite model resolution), model assumptions (e.g. turbulence, stability) and the uncertainty of the input data (terrain data, land use, wind distribution, etc.). Consequently, any type of model is characterized by a certain scope of quality and validity.
In terms of linear models (e.g. WAsP), results of systematic investigations regarding the uncertainty are already available, whereby the site assessment by CFD-Modelling was not investigated in detail so far. The joint research project Sunday aims to fill this gap in the uncertainty of CFD-Modelling. In particular, quantitative knowledge about the dimension of each source of error and about the individual causes will be gained.
Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Coordination: Joint project in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES), Geo-Net GmbH, aj GmbH, Pavana GmbH, wiwi consult GmbH & Co. KG, UL International, SOWITEC group GmbH, wpd Europe GmbH and anemos GmbH
Provision of a precise, validated and prepared dataset for the short-term implementation of a wind atlas at the Federal Environment Agency
The main goal of the project is the generation of a proven wind atlas based on ERA5 reanalysis data that is adjusted and corrected with measured data.
As part of the tendering process for onshore wind energy in 2019 and 2020, maximum values for offers will be introduced differentiated by region. The German Environment Agency requires a data basis in order to verify the defined high-value areas appropriately. This is realized by examining the wind conditions.
Funding: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety represented by the German Environment Agency of the federal republic Germany
VERIMA - Verification of Wind and Market Value Atlas for Wind Power
Until recent, the market value atlas depended on the anemos wind atlas, which was based on MERRA-1 reanalysis data (MODERN-ERA RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS FOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS) by NASA, a global data set of atmospheric parameters. At the end of 2015, the calculation of the MERRA-1 data was terminated and replaced with MERRA-2 data. As a result, the anemos wind atlas and the market value atlas had to be completely recalculated in order to ensure consistency over the entire time period.
A verification of the market value atlas and an adaptation of the wind atlas to observational data is essential in order to prove their accuracy and to increase the acceptance of these products as well as to extend the number of users. The accuracy of the wind and market value atlas is determined by developing and adopting new modelling methods and comparing the atlas data with wind measurements and energy yield data from wind turbines.
Funding: NBank with funds of the federal state Lower Saxony and of the federal republic Germany

Site Energy Yield
The aim of the project is to provide a new frame for the determination of the site energy yield after 5 years for onshore wind turbines which are compensated according to the EEG 2017. A guideline for determining the site quality before and after commissioning is developed.
Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Coordination: FGW e.V.
Fördergesellschaft Windenergie und andere Dezentrale Energien e.V.
Subcontractor: anemos GmbH and other institutions
Onshore Wind Energy – Development of a Roadmap for Creating a Wind Atlas
Within this project, the existing methods for creating wind atlases and wind maps in Germany were critically reviewed. The wind maps of individual federal states were compared to observational data.
The aim was to develop preferably consistent, objective and project independent evaluation criteria and approaches for the classification of wind energy quality at specific sites. Furthermore, a roadmap for creating wind atlases should be developed.
Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Coordination: anemos GmbH in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES), enervis energy advisors GmbH and Becker, Büttner, Held - BBH
WinBin II – Wind Energy Exploitation in the Interior II: Sub-project „Onshore Wind Atlas for Germany“
The main purpose of the sub-project was to develop a verified wind atlas for Germany, which is intended to be applied for determining the wind energy yield of one year throughout Germany.
Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Coordination: Joint project in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES), ENERCON GmbH, ABO Wind AG, juwi Wind GmbH, OSTWIND Gewerbe-Bau GmbH and anemos GmbH.
SOPCAWIND – Software for the Optimal Place Calculation for WIND-farms
SOPCAWIND is a web service to assist in the whole wind farm design process. It contains the SOPCAWIND data pool and an external data access interface (API), which combines various datasets to provide a view on development opportunities within large areas. The SOPCAWIND web tool is suitable for initial screening of large areas for development opportunities. It also contains a layout optimization module, optimizing by cost and yield.
Funding: STREP project supported by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme
Coordination: Universidad Del Pais Vasco EHU UPV
Subcontractor: anemos GmbH and other institutions
Wind Profile 300 - Validation of two numerical simulation model chains for simulating the vertical wind profiles up to 300 m height above ground
Within this project, numerical simulation models are combined to a model chain which allows for a realistic simulation of the vertical wind profile up to great heights. The models cover the mesoscale (several 10 km) as well as the microscale (several 10 m) and allow for a detailed simulation of the turbulent wind field in the surroundings of planned wind turbines. The new model approaches are evaluated and compared to today's "standard model" WAsP.
Funding: German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)
Coordination: anemos GmbH in cooperation with AL-PRO GmbH, Wind&Regen, WindSim A/S