Market Value Analysis
The market value atlas is a meaningful instrument for the estimation of profit respectively loss risks compared with the nationwide market value. Through it you can achieve the best possible direct marketing conditions for existing wind turbine generators (WTG) and competitive advantage for WTG technology.
Investment decisions involve the forecast of power market developments and market values, which are essential for funding as well as predicting the revenue and project value of wind power projects. Site- and technology-specific influencing factors have to be evaluated systematically and economically, to determine reliable market values. In this context, different fields like wholesale price-structure, power curves as well as regional and local wind conditions are taken into consideration.
Hence, the determination of project-specific market values requires both, meteorological and energy-economical know-how.

To provide high-quality market value analysis, an integrated modeling of site-specific wind time-series and developments in the power market is necessary. Especially the forecast of power market developments requires extensive and integrated data sets as well as technical expertise in the energy industry. enervis and anemos, two highly specialized consulting firms with long standing experience in the electricity and wind energy markets, combine their competence in this cooperation.
Together we offer the market value atlas as well as revenue report, two essential products that are necessary to determine the economic potential of existing and new wind power projects.
We offer our market value atlas for the countries Germany and France
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Revenue Report

In addition to the energy yield of a wind farm, power market revenues are increasingly relevant for project evaluation and investment decisions. Our revenue Report provides investors with important information regarding a project’s financial performance beyond purely energy-focused wind yield reports.
Data (wind time-series) and analysis methods (revenue calculation) used to calculate the revenue are part of accreditation, so that the Revenue Report is an accredited document.
The electricity rate prediction and energy-economical modelling however is not part of the accreditation.
Your contact person

Martin Schneider
Managing director
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 109
Market Value Atlas
The actual power market revenues are important for a project’s economic optimization regarding marketing as well as investment decisions. Our two products, the Market Value Atlas and the Revenue Report, provide information about both, chance of additional proceeds and risk of loss, and therefore enable the determination of the economic potential of wind power projects. Both products are offered for the counries of Germany and France
Data (wind time-series) and analysis methods (revenue calculation) used for the historic Market Value Atlas are part of accreditation, so that the Market Value Atlas is one of our accredited products. The electricity rate and historical data however are not part of the accreditation.
Your contact person

Martin Schneider
Managing director
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 109
Your contact person

Martin Schneider
Managing director
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 109