Wind atlas
Our temporally and spatially high resolved time series of the fundamental meteorological parameters as well as various derived products assist you with cost-effectively answering questions in all phases of planning and operating your wind farm.
Our wind atlases are based on temporally and spatially coarse resolved reanalysis data (e.g. ERA5, MERRA2 or NCEP). Additionally, detailed information of land use and orography are used in the model simulation. High resolved time series for a time period of more than 20 years are derived by downscaling the coarse reanalysis data with the mesoscale models WRF or MM5.
The quality of the wind atlases is continuously being verified by validation with wind and energy yield data. Based on this verification, a remodeling approach for the Germany and France wind atlas was invented in order to adapt the wind atlas universally applicable to observational data.
By means of the remodelling and the adjustment of the time series, we are able to generate site-specific time series. Thereof, all our products based on the atlas benefit, e.g.: wind and energy yield index, long-term correlation, energy loss calculation and market value analysis.
Further information about the remodelling is available here.
Overview of our anemos Wind atlases
Atlas name | Region | Documentation | Reanalysis | Resolution | Time period | Model |
D-3km.M2* (Remodelling) |
Germany | D-3km.M2 site specific | MERRA-2 | 3 km* / 10 min | 1997 - current | WRF |
D-3km.E5* (Remodelling) |
Germany |
Flyer D-3km.E5
D-3km.E5 site specific (in German) |
ERA5 | 3 km* / 10 min | 1997 - current | WRF |
D-5km | Germany | NCEP | 5 km / 30 min | 1990 - current | MM5 | |
EU-10km.E5 | Europe | EU-10km.E5 | ERA5 | 10 km / 10 min | 1999 - current | WRF |
EU-20km.M2 | Europe | MERRA-2 | 20 km / 10 min | 1990 - current | MM5 | |
EU-90km | Europe | NCEP | 90 km / 3 h | 1948 - current | MM5 | |
F-3km.M2* (Remodelling) |
France, Belgium, Switzerland |
F-3km.M2 site specific | MERRA-2 | 3 km* / 10 min | 2007 - current | WRF |
PL-3km | Poland | MERRA | 3 km / 10 min | 1995 - 2015 | WRF | |
PL-5km | Poland | NCEP | 5 km / 10 min | 1990 - current | MM5 | |
SK-10km | Scandinavia / baltic states | SK-10km | ERA5 | 10 km / 10 min | 2000 - current | WRF |
* site-specific time series available
Also, an overview of our most important wind atlases incl. their model grids is available via our atlas grid tool within awis.
Time series
Our high resolved and site-specific* time series („Virtual Met Mast“) provide you with reliable information on the wind conditions at your site for a fraction of the costs of a wind measurement.
We offer time series for various parameters: wind speed*, wind direction, temperature, air pressure, humidity, air density, global irradiance and precipitation. The heights are freely selectable between 40 m and 200 m.
The time series are used in diverse areas of operation:
- initial estimation of the wind potential
- long-term correlation of an existing measurement for a reliable result
- input data for model simulations (WAsP und CFD)
- calculation of time-dependent losses (noise immission, bat flight, etc.)
The advantages of high resolved time series over global reanalysis data are variegated and are referred to in this article.
* site-specific time series are available for the wind speed data of the atlases D-3km.M2, D-3km.E5 and F-3km.M2.
Extreme value estimation
For your wind farm, we calculate the 50-years extreme wind speed based on site-specific time series from our Germany 3km wind atlas. The calculation procedure for the extreme wind speeds is based on the method of the program WindPRO. The applied gumbel adaption is based on the least squares method.
The calculation procedure includes the following steps:
- Calculation of site-specific wind speed time series (min. 20 years) at the desired hub height for the most conservative (highest wind speed) WTG.
- With 40 onshore measurements, a scale factor for extreme wind speeds will be calculated and applied to the time series.
- With a gumbel distribution the extreme value and standard deviation for 50 years will be calculated.
Wind atlas - Energy yield calculation
We determine an initial estimation of the energy yield for your planned wind farm. The following analysis can be done with the product:
- Comparison of energy yields of planned turbines with different configurations of type, hub height or coordinates
- Guide value as a first estimate
- Relative comparison of different sites with planned turbines with the same configuration
- Energy yield drop due to building of additional turbines
Additionally, the energy yield calculation product is excellent for the calculation of wake losses due to surrounding wind turbines. The product is especially suitable for:
- Wake losses of planned turbines in an existing wind farm
- Wake losses of a planned wind farm
- Future wake losses of existing turbines due to planned turbines
- Comparison between the wake losses of different configurations
On request we consider e.g. further restrictions or an adaption to measurements or energy yield data, respectively.
Energy yield index (site- and turbine-specific)
An energy yield index is an essential tool for operators, operational managers or asset managers of wind farms. Fluctuations of the wind resource result in the fact that individual monthly energy yields often differ a lot from the long-term average. Thus, it is important to ensure that the monthly variations of energy yield coincide with the variations of the wind resource. Through the use of external data like the energy yield index, it is possible to figure out, whether a wind farm is below expectations due to low wind speed or due to technical issues. In addition, the index enables a simple long-term correction after a few months of operation already. More detailed application examples can be found here (German).
The anemos energy yield index is based on our wind atlases. Time series of wind speed and air density are combined with power curves to provide temporally high resolved energy yield time series. Afterwards, monthly energy yields are divided by the 100% level and result in a monthly energy yield index. The 100 % level is defined as the mean energy yield of the last 20 years. This index refers to the gross energy yield without losses and consequently, it is an indicator for the wind potential and the gross energy yield potential.
By default, you receive our energy yield index for eight typical wind turbine types. Gladly, we generate a turbine-specific index with your individual WTG types and hub heights.
The anemos energy yield index is an essential supplement or alternative to the BDB-Index (IWET-Index) which was widely used in Germany for many years. Although there are problems occurring by the use of the BDB-Index, it is still applied in many cases.
More information about the BDB-Index is available in the following papers (German):
"IWET / BDB Ertragsindex - quo vadis ?" (01.05.2015) and "Immer noch IWET?" (15.05.2017).
Our maps of different parameters assist you with the choice of the site, the selection of an adequate WTG type and with a first evaluation of the site quality.
The following maps are currently on offer.
- 25m x 25m maps for Germany and France with:
- Wind potential
- Weibull A & k
- Gross site quality (or considering overall losses)
- 1km x 1km maps of 50 years' extreme wind speed
- Icing map for Europe
- Market value atlas: Historical and Ensemble-Forecast
On request, we are happy to generate maps adjusted to your needs.
The maps are available in different formats: jpg, ESRI Shape, Google Earth KML or online. Together we determine the appropriate format for your purpose.
Initial estimation
A site-specific* initial estimation based on our anemos Wind atlases assists you with the decision for the correct measurement location. Furthermore, a preliminary estimation can form the basis for turbulence calculations and it allows you to compare different WTG types.
Our initial estimation for your site contains:
- mean wind speed and optionally mean energy yield (20 years)
- frequency distribution of wind speed and wind direction
- directional Weibull distribution (12 sectors)
- annual cycle of wind speed and optionally energy yield
- optional consideration of wake effects plus further losses
- .tab file for application in WAsP, WindPRO, Meteodyn, etc.
* site-specific estimation for Germany and France available; for other regions, the spatial resolution of the corresponding wind atlases applies
Production atlas
Do you need a quick estimate of energy yield for diverse specific wind turbine generators? Our anemos production atlas calculates the energy yields with your given power curves and hub heights.
Therefore, the production atlas allows a comparison between different WTG technologies. Plus, it is a tool for selecting a suitable wind farm site or for expanding your portfolio.
Gladly, we generate wind farm specific production time series for you which consider your given wind farm configuration and losses.
You receive the production data either as site-specific* time series or as map(s) of the mean energy yield of the last 20 years; available with 90 m x 90 m resolution (for Germany and France)
Your contact persons
Martin Schneider
Authorized representative
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 109
Ignacio Martin Santos
M.Sc. Meteorology
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 107
Mehmet Ege Karaesmen
M.Sc. Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 124
Max Weißenborn
M.Sc. Environmental Sciences
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 126