Performance Analysis
The performance analysis accurately investigates the performance of each individual wind turbine. The degree of detail of the analysis depends on the amount and complexity of the SCADA data and can be customized according to the customer’s demand. Typical questions include e.g.:
- What is the true energy potential of my wind farm based on actual data? What is the difference to the results predicted within the bankable yield report before commissioning? What are the reasons for the potential discrepancies?
- What is the yield loss due to legal restrictions (e.g. bats, icing) so far? Is it possible to decrease this particular yield loss in the future?
- Are there any further unknown sources of yield loss (e.g. reduced operational modes)?
- Are there any inconsistencies regarding the power curve? What is the yield loss due to the deviation from the guaranteed power curve?
- What is the temporal, technical or energetic availability of my wind farm? What availability is realistic to assume for the future?
The following steps are typically part of the performance analysis:
- Plausibility validation of generator and pitch curve
- Plausibility validation of the turbine’s orientation
- Plausibility validation of the power curve
- Determination of losses due to legal restrictions (including long-term correction)
- Determination of losses due to standstill and reduced operational modes
- Analysis of error messages
- Estimation whether particular losses are also to be expected in the future

More specific performance analyses may also consider the following points:
- Calculation of yield loss due to a faulty transformer station or damaged turbine towers
- Reduction of yield loss due to bat restrictions by detecting a highly differing NTF (wind speeds adjusted too low result in enhanced losses due to bat restrictions)
- Reduction of yield loss due to icing through optimization of the blade heating system’s settings
- Optimization of sector management through determination of the turbine’s offset by analyzing the wake effects of the wind farm
- Determination of site quality after commissioning (TR10)
- Calculation of yield loss due to high turbulence at the turbine’s location
The performance analysis includes a report containing all individual results as well as a detailed documentation of the calculation methodology.

Your contact person

Lasse Blanke
Managing director
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 0
Wind farm monitoring
By monitoring and analyzing your operating wind farm, we provide a fast and precise assessment of your wind farm’s performance. Our service focuses on the intensive analysis of SCADA-data, typically conducted once a month. In general, the depth of investigation clearly exceeds conventional monthly yield analyses and consequently, the analysis reveals so far undetected misconfigurations of your wind farm reliably.
In addition, the wind farm monitoring includes the following fundamental steps:
- Calculation of energetic availability according to TR10
- Long-term correction of the energy yield with high-quality and turbine-specific energy yield indexes
- Calculation of monthly yield loss due to legal restrictions (e.g. bats, icing) according to TR10
- Calculation of monthly yield loss due to grid failures or turbine shutdowns according to TR10
The energy yield losses will be calculated for each loss factor separately. The degree of detail of the analysis depends on the SCADA data’s complexity and can be customized individually.
In addition, other sources leading to yield reduction are identified reliably within the monitoring. These may be reduced operational modes or pitch angles which are not configured ideally.
The performance analysis includes a report containing all individual results as well as a documentation of the calculation methodology.

Your contact person

Lasse Blanke
Managing director
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 0
Your contact person

Lasse Blanke
Managing director
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 0