Site assessment

eine Windkraftanlage

The accredited wind and energy yield assessment studies of anemos GmbH provide a reliable basis at all times during your wind farm planning.

Whether you opt for a preliminary assessment at the early stage of planning or for a bankable wind and yield report to finance your wind farm, the long-term experience of the anemos GmbH promises a high quality of the wind and yield calculation.

The anemos GmbH also calculates possible yield losses due to environmental restrictions with the most reliability since we use site-specific time series for your location.

Site assessment studies are performed with a range of models from the simple program WAsP to the CFD called Meteodyn and the mesocale model WRF.

Your contact persons

Lasse Blanke

Lasse Blanke
Managing director
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 0

Julia Blanke

Julia Blanke
Dipl. Meteorologist
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 120

Niklas Bauer

Niklas Bauer
B.Sc. Agricultural Science
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 116

Dr. Franziska Leverenz

Dr. Franziska Leverenz
M.Sc. Ocean and Climate Physics
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 122

Claire Siddiqui

Claire Siddiqui
M.Sc. Physical Geography
Tel.: +49 (0)4131 8308 - 123